Dag van de Wetenschap – digitaal
Het aftellen naar de volgende Dag van de Wetenschap is begonnen! Het belooft een speciale 10e editie te worden, want voor het eerst gaat Vlaanderens grootste wetenschapsevenement volledig digitaal. Op
Post type for Events
Het aftellen naar de volgende Dag van de Wetenschap is begonnen! Het belooft een speciale 10e editie te worden, want voor het eerst gaat Vlaanderens grootste wetenschapsevenement volledig digitaal. OpContinue readingDag van de Wetenschap – digitaal
Beste bestuursleden, ouwezakken en sympathisanten Saint Vé zit er weer aan te komen, en het was al langer duidelijk dat dit een editie ging zijn die anders was dan gewoonlijk.Continue readingKEPS goes Saint Vé
Social Media Manager
MSc in Business & Technology
My name is Hannelore Muyldermans, I’m a passionate Commercial Engineering student who likes to achieve things. For this reason, I am part of various student societies. One of them is Business Club, where I am The Social Media manager. In this function, I try to create an open platform where everyone feels welcome.
Today there are many talented students, who miss out on great opportunities. Since they don’t have the right information and don’t know where to turn for this. My goal is to compile all this information and communicate it in a fun and playful manner. In this way I want to make the working life more approachable for students.
Relationship Manager
MSc in Business Economics
Hello, I’m Kirsten. I already completed my bachelor’s degree in business economics, and I am currently working on a master’s degree in business economics. Since this is my last year at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, I wanted to gain some more practical experience in order to be well prepared for the business world that awaits me.
That’s how I ended up at Business Club VUB, where I will be working as a relationship manager to manage collaborations with interesting companies. I am looking forward to setting up fun events together with Gino to involve my fellow students in the business world.
Treasurer & Head of Business Development
MSc in International Business
My name is Gino Aytas, I am Treasurer & Head of Business Development for the Business Club VUB. As an association we try to bring students closer to the business world. Personally, I am constantly looking for new interesting partnerships.
Having just finished my BSc in Business Economics I am currently pursuing a MSc in International Business. I am really excited for my future endeavours both in my personal life as well as for the Business Club VUB.
MSc in International Business
As president of the Business Club VUB my main duty is to lay-out the strategic goals for the organisation. I aim to give the members of the association autonomy and empower them to pursue new ventures. Last year, after knowing Gertjan Smekens through “Kring der Economische, Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen”, I helped him build the Business Club VUB and I acted as vice president.
I hold a BSc in Business Economics and I am pursuing a MSc in International Business. During my university career I held different roles at KEPS and OSD, and I also gained work experience from Unilever, Moore, Grohe, Jan De Nul, BuyWay and BlackRock.
Staff Member
LLM Economic Law
Hello, my name is Manon! Currently I am a staff member at Business Club, which means I support the team in different aspects of their projects. This way I am involved in different parts of the organisation and can lend some help to whoever is in need of it at that time.
In 2020-’21 I participated in a trade mission to Romania, which formed the perfect transition from the judicial knowledge that I gained through my studies to a more economics and business-related experience. Aside from Business Club, I am also a part of the ‘Vrijzinnige Studentenkring Mechelen’ where I am currently focussing on organising the anniversary gala in the upcoming year.
Job Fair Manager
BSc in Political Science
I am a student currently following a bachelor program in political sciences at the VUB. Being responsible for organizing our biggest yearly event gives me the opportunity to further develop relations with business and students alike. In carrying out this position, I also want to stimulate a productive cooperation with our partner KEPS VZW, who we organize the event with. Hence my motivation to carry out the tasks of this position as well as possible.
My ambitions for the future motivate me to not only extend my knowledge through studying, but also to experience what it is all about. Preparing myself and other students for the business experiences that are still to come!
Workshops & Seminars Manager
BSc in Business Economics
As an economics student I am involved with the operation of various companies. I have always been fascinated by the professional life and am looking forward to enter the job market as soon as possible, however, In my studies I often see that what is taught is often less relevant in business than I suspected. Understanding processes and improving them is my greatest passion. Within the Business Club I am committed to narrow the gap between students and companies and share relevant knowledge with as many students as possible. As lecturer I am responsible for lectures but I also offer constructive feedback and reach out a helping hand to other departments., with my experience of last year in the Business club, I want to set up even more and larger events!
Secretary & Head of Events
BS of Laws
My name is Quinten, I study law and I am currently getting my bachelor’s degree. AS secretary of BC I will be responsible to facilitate the internal communication. This year we will make the transition to an association without lucrative purpose a task I look forward to complete. My main objective for this year is to strengthen our partnerships and help the board fulfil their goals.
MSc in Business & Technology
I’m Kilian Preys, for the moment I am completing a master’s in business & Technology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I am always looking for ways to turn theory into practice and for that reason I joined Business Club as it’s vice-president for the academic year of 2021-2022. Business Club tackles major problems many students experience. It tightens the gap that can be seen in students looking for ways to receive more experience than just studying for their courses. When combining this with a fun and interactive environment I can only conclude that possibilities are infinite.
Apart from this I have gathered experience in many different associations. Being Treasurer for the Solvay Kring and head of the events department at the Overkoepelende Studentendienst. Besides this I worked for 14 hours a week at AION Bank and just finished my internship at Degroof Petercam.